Thursday, May 2, 2013

Inturrption Marketing vs. Permission Marketing

This is my first blog post I am devoting this to write on Interruption Marketing vs. Permission Marketing.

If marketers use to promote their goods and service through Telemarketing, Print advertising, TV and Radio advertisements and online display banners call Interruption marketing. In this method have only one way communication. As a result of producer or the seller cannot gain knowledge about the customer response.

Interruption Marketing tools can promote goods and service lager number of people in one time. And also it can promote very attractively and creatively to the customer using different tools under that because of that very popular method all over the world especially in developing countries like us.

We are living in 21st century the technology is developing rapidly.  As result of that

developing technology marketers generate Permission Marketing. Marketers use World Wide Web, Face Book, Twitter, SEO and YouTube to promote their goods and services.
Objectionable reverse of permission marketing is interruption marketing. Marketer obtain permission before advertising to the next step in the purchasing process. It mostly emails marketers and search marketers as well as permission marketers who sent catalog in response to the request.

Permission marketing oriented personal selling these methods encourages building up long term relationship with customer. Not only that permission marketing does not have one way communication and also treat different people differently using permission marketing tools.
Permission marketing is less expensive method. However their fore needs high developed technology. But interruption marketing is very easy and attractive method compare with permission marketing.

Permission Marketing is not popular and not easy to maintain in developing countries due to lot of technical reasons. However Interruption Marketing is high popular and attractive in those countries as it can provide mass message to a large audience.

In Permission Marketing the marketers have to build up trust in customers’ mind to grow sales from them and again these methods are more efficient use in their resources. As a result of that permission marketing can change consumer behavior to sales and also towards recommendations. However in the Sri Lankan context permission marketing is not much popular and also has not a wide coverage. 

So I invite all the Sri Lankan companies & consumers to engage in Permission Marketing in this Era of Globalization…

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